Sunday, October 14, 2012


I have been a member of StenoLife since the start of my steno life. Registration is easy and takes less than five minutes. Signing up gives you access to the Brief Machine and The Steno Life newsletter, which can be e-mailed directly to you.

The Steno Life is the official newsletter of the website. Topics such as speed building, court reporting school situations, the overall outlook of court reporting and so much more are covered. If you haven’t read all the issues, start today! They are a wealth of information.  StenoLife has awesome contests and details on how to enter are in the newsletter.

There is a message board, but it is not as active as others on the Internet. It is still a good place to browse.

My favorite part of is the brief machine.  There are over 90,000 briefs in the system.  Simply enter a word in the search box, press “Find.” A window will pop up with a brief. All the briefs are well-thought out and are easy to memorize and stroke. These are not computer generated briefs. 

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